Art & Heart originated from the concern of an art therapist who strongly felt the need for preventive art therapy focused on growth rather than treatment. Art & Heart is a specialized brand in psychological art that nurtures both artistic skills and emotional intelligence.

What is
Art & Heart
psychological art education?
This education aims to strengthen psychological resources effectively, ensuring that artistic development occurs more efficiently. Rather than teaching techniques to foster artistic development, it focuses on building essential psychological resources such as self-confidence, creativity, concentration, and social skills, which are vital for the development of artistic abilities
The Key Concepts
Warm & Firm : warm but principled attitude of a teacher towards children.
Second Wind : a phenomenon in which a new power surges up that has never been gained before when you continue physical or mental activities without giving up even at the limitations that you can no longer do due to tiredness.

"Art & Heart teachers undergo monthly training, whether online or in-person, to continually improve their teaching quality.
Through this consistent training, Art & Heart instructors aim to achieve their goal of becoming exceptional art educators."

Prior to the lesson, we inspire children to voice their aspirations and assist them in fully engaging in the learning experience. When children face challenges, we provide encouragement and support to help them find their Second Wind.

Our program is thoughtfully crafted with educational goals that match each developmental stage, ensuring the right level of challenge. We introduce a fresh and engaging theme every month to maintain a dynamic learning experience.